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A Little Bit of Social Fun

Your Invitation to Make Friends with Winter
Even though it's not easy - there is a lot to love about winter. Here are some thoughts to encourage you to make friends with winter.
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What Are These Days For You?
What's new? Does this question unnerve you like it sometimes does me? Here's my story about how I am working on seeing it differently.
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Your Invitation to Be a Beginner
Being a beginner is so much fun - you don't have to know it all while pursuing something you love. Where are you a beginner in your life?
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What I Learned This Summer & My Summer's End Picnic Menu
What did you learn this summer? Here are my three takeaways, along with a summer's end picnic menu in case you need some inspiration.
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My Sweetest Back to School Encouragement for You
No one in my home is heading back to school this season. But here are a few sweet words for parents as they prepare for the year ahead.
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3 Simple Ideas for When Life Feels Chaotic
This week I needed a minute to catch my breath. You too? Here are three simple ideas to support you when life feels like it's a bit much.
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Celebrating All the Dads I've Known and Loved
Who has fathered you well? Whether or not you call them dad, here's an invitation to celebrate those who have nurtured you along the way.
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3 Thoughts on Combatting an Ordinary Life
I love adventure. But I'm not always good at it. Here are three ideas I'm working on to invite more adventure into my daily life.
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What I Wish I Knew at Graduation: 5 Good Thoughts
What would older you share with 18-year-old you? Here are five good thoughts on what I wish I knew at graduation.
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The Greatest Mom Quality of All Time
My mom was a vixen. But beyond her beauty and cooking skills like Julia Child, was a better quality. Here's her story of listening well.
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25 Renewing Spring Things
Spring invites us to come out and play. With all things blooming, here are a few simple ideas to renew your heart this season.
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Little Fall Things I'm Loving This Season - New & Classic
What little fall things are you loving this season? Here are my new empty nester favs and classic fall loves.
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The Summer I Learned the Art of Canning
I always wanted to learn how to can. Pretty jars of fruit and vegetables sounded dreamy. Here's my story of the summer I learned to can.
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7 Life-Giving Ways to Celebrate Mother's Day
How can you find joy this Mother's Day? Here's a story about expanding the view of the day to remember those who have mothered you well.
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3 Things That Are Surprising Me With Joy
This week marks the first week of fall. To celebrate the new season, I started thinking about what's giving me surprising joy.
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Favorite Back to School Reminders for You
I love the back-to-school season. Here are a few of my favorite encouraging thoughts for the year ahead.
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5 Cooling Summer Treats for You
Ready for some chill? Here are five cool ideas to escape from summer's scorching heat.
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What's On Your Summer Bucket List?
Summer's going fast - what's on your summer bucket list? Here are my four bucket items for inspiration.
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3 Summer Goodies for You
Three fun treats to kick off your 2022 summer season.
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My 3 Favorite Decisions (So Far)
What are some of the best decisions you've made? Here are my favorite three so far.
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