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3 Things I Do When Life Feels Chaotic

This week, I needed a minute.

Somehow life went from easy breezy summer mode to a full-blast fall press. Can you relate? This week my heart needed a bit of recalibration as the new season begins. If this is you too, here are three simple things I have been practicing this week to help me catch my breath.

3 Things I Do When Life Feels Chaotic

Slow It Down.

When life gets crazy, my body tends to follow suit. Lately, I've been trying to go through the day as if every single task is the only thing I need to do. There is something lovely about mindfully folding laundry, driving slowly to meetings, taking my time on errands, and handling one task at a time. The same amount of work gets done and my heart is grateful for the chance to focus on one thing at a time. When I slow myself down to fully engage in what's before me, my mind can rest as if this is all there is to do.

Get it Out of Your Head.

One day I was feeling overwhelmed by all the thoughts swirling in my brain. So I opened up a plain page in a notebook and dumped it all on paper. I started by writing down praises or things I was grateful for, a food section for what I planned to eat/cook that day, a health section to capture what I did for a workout or walk plans with a friend, prayer requests that had been on my heart and then copied scripture I wanted to marinate on that day. I made a simple list of any appointments or things I wanted to accomplish that day. By writing it all down I could get it out of my brain. Seeing my day mapped out on paper invited a sense of calm. It shifted an overwhelming day to one that held a sense of order and purpose, even in its ordinariness.

Do Something That Nurtures You.

I may not be in control of many things, but I can control my fridge. When life gets out of hand, I find a strange sense of comfort by cleaning out the fridge and chopping stuff. There is something orderly about making a simple soup, using up old scraps, or preparing a nourishing meal ahead of time. Maybe you don't like to cook, but perhaps cleaning out a messy drawer calms you. Sometimes I like to take a walk to clear my head and get rid of anxious thoughts. Whether it's meal prepping, decluttering, or taking a walk, harness the power of small things to make you feel more grounded. Even if it's only for five minutes, make space to do one thing that nurtures you.

What About You? What Do You Do When Things Get Out of Hand?

Having our own little personal hacks might not solve all that ails the world, but engaging the small things that nurture us can support us in stressful moments. My encouragement is to consider all the little ways you love to bring order to your heart.

Taking the Time For Nurturing Your Heart Might Be the Most Important To Do Today


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