My Friend Marty's Super Fun Sporty Car - he graciously let me sit behind the wheel.
I've been needing a little cheer-up this week.
I'm not sure if it's the end of summer blues, transitions to the new school year, or I'm simply in need of a cup of chamomile tea. But if you are like me and in need of a cozy sweater for your heart, this week's post is for both of us.
5 Smile-Inducing End of Summer Ideas
Here's a little mish-mash of things that made me smile this week - hoping it cheers you too. Or if you are already in the sunny Julie Andrews state, can you come over with a cheese pizza and give the rest of us a hug? Just thinking about that makes me feel better already.
If you need a dose of joy - watch the Little League World Series from August 17-28. Not only does it make your heart melty by watching these kids, but learning about their personalities and stories is an absolute delight.
Check out the world's seven most beautiful public pools -- so fun to see exotic pools from around the world. Hopefully, it will inspire you to make a date with a watering hole near you for one last summertime dip!
3. Cook Something Loving for You
There is something pretty soothing about cooking to me -- chopping, stirring, tasting, simmering. The soulfulness always takes my mind off things. This weekend I made a huge batch of pesto from giant piles of basil in my backyard. Add a little honey to this recipe to smooth it out a bit. It honestly was so good it almost made me cry (just a little bit.) Go ahead and be your own best mom by making yourself something you love.
4. Take a Little Field Trip
Remember field trips as a kid? I don't know about you, but I typically do the same things every weekend. This past Saturday, my husband and I ventured out to the place where we got married in the next town over (which happens to have a cute farm and restaurant.) We had a sweet lunch, walked around, and enjoyed seeing how things looked different since we were married back in 1996. Try this: type "best things to do in (your town)" in your favorite search engine and see what pops up. Field trips - great as a kid and even better as an adult.
5. Declare a Total Fun Day!
I was recently chatting with a friend about how my weekends end up being packed with errands, chores, laundry, and grocery shopping. Not exactly soul-inspiring stuff. My friend shared he decided to declare a total fun day with his family -- where everyone put aside their phones and spent the day just enjoying the summer day together by the pool. All it took was setting an intention to have fun and be together. I've decided to make my own Fun Fest this weekend too. Declaring a day simply to enjoy family, the weather, or friends could be the easiest cheer-up ever.
What's Fun For You?
Whether you need a cheer-up or not, fun is always a welcome companion. If you have a strategy for fun that you like, please share it here. We all could use a little more light and love in this world.
Looks like that car is a fit! 😉