November marks the season when life turns inward.
Not only does the colder weather shoo us to home and hearth, but the holiday season means more time around the table. The idea of how we gather got me thinking about feasts. Not just the big ones like Thanksgiving, but how we feast on an ordinary day. Why does all the feasting have to be saved for the fourth Thursday in November? Or only for special holidays?
With the right heart, feasting can be an everyday thing. I’m not saying Beef Wellington and Roast Goose are always on the menu. Nope - feasting doesn’t have to be elaborate. It isn’t necessarily about the material things, but more about the heart and attitude as we approach the table. The daily meal is our one chance to gather, hold hands, give thanks with the people we love the most. No matter how the day has unfolded, setting aside the troubles of the day to spend time with the people we love is always worth savoring.
Below are 10 Ideas on Ordinary Feasting - as well, a pretty graphic to print/share with a friend or to remind you every day can be an opportunity to feast. I hope it inspires you to celebrate more of life around the table.

From my childhood to with our children time around the table has been some of the best times. It's where we learn and laugh and love.