Summer officially kicks off this week and my hope is to "slow it down a notch."
In truth, my summer feels like a whole bunch of emotions. With my son's wedding in July, combined with family health challenges and full-blast empty nester season, it doesn't have that "easy peasy" feeling. Despite it all, here are a few things I'm trying out to create a summer of goodness. Hoping it inspires you to consider what will allow you to flourish this season (even if it feels chaotic.)
5 Ways to Flourish This Summer
Start the day with nothing. Recently I've been starting my day with nothing. For a couple minutes while I have my morning cup, I don't turn on any music and I don't look at my phone. I make a space for quiet and rest to start the day. It might be for five minutes or if I have time, longer. It feels like a kind gesture to simply sit with my thoughts, pray over the day ahead, and notice what is before me.
Create a summer daily rhythm (that's different than other seasons). One big takeaway from a recent retreat to California was to create a morning and evening ritual. I already have a daily routine, but it's given me a renewed thought on how to make it a bit more nurturing for this season. A few things I'm trying out are being intentional about spending time outside, taking extra care of myself with summery-smelling body oils, or having a cup of lemon water instead of the morning jolt of coffee. As well, I've been setting the table outside for our family to enjoy meals al fresco. Simple tiny daily shifts in the routine have encouraged me to embrace the summer season in a new way.
Be a Farmer's Market Fixture. We have a sweet farmer's market in my town that is chockablock full of fun stuff. Even if I don't buy anything, I love to walk around it and see all the young families, kids, dogs, and interesting vendors. Sometimes I buy what's in season, sometimes I don't buy anything. But more than that, I love the reminder of abundance and community it gives me.
Put fun and loving things on the calendar. When we were a young family, our calendar was full of fun summertime outings, and neat summer adventures. In this new season of empty nesting, I want to be intentional about having a few fun field trips as a couple, even if it's just a summery date night, checking out a new local restaurant, enjoying an outdoor concert, or taking a drive to discover a nearby town. Even though my summer might be chaotic, I want to be mindful about including joyful things that fuel my heart.
Get lost in something good. Summer was made to follow your curiosities and joys. For me, I love summery books, growing herbs, and cooking up and storing summer's bounty. It is effortless fun to fill up a library cart with creative summer reads and cookbooks. Growing stuff in the yard gets me outside and invites me to cook up whatever the bounty yields. Freezing corn or canning tomatoes or peaches has been a favorite summer project that I look forward to every year. There is nothing like enjoying summer corn or tomatoes on a cold winter day in January. Summer is the perfect season to get lost in a creative project or to try out a new endeavor.
What about you? What seasonal rhythms do you share in your family?
Whether your summer looks like watching your kids do cannonballs in the pool or you're seeking solitude in the AC, my invitation is to consider what helps you to flourish. Maybe making space for nothing, spending time in farmer's markets, or planning summer adventures isn't for you. My challenge is to consider what nurtures your heart and try it out in small ways this week. You were meant to flourish and the summer season is the perfect time to practice.
I not only love this Cara, I needed this. I do spend some time outside most days. The evenings have been lovely here (so far) and we've enjoyed some walks. But so many other things you've nudged me to do, or, at least, consider. Thank you.