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“Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him;” Psalm 37:7
When I read the Psalms, they slow me down.
Perhaps it’s because they are such a mixture of emotion. Love, praise, agony, grief, worship, beauty and adoration can all be found in the Psalms in one short burst. It’s all the things I understand, especially at the holidays.
Make Scripture a Love Note to Yourself.
With the upcoming season, it is easy for me to make my morning devotion time another checklist item. Even when I read a short passage of Scripture, I catch my mind wandering to thoughts of holiday shopping or meal planning. In an effort to truly engage, I have been copying favorite passages in a journal.
Pressing a pen to paper and writing out scripture that speaks to my heart brings me a sense of peace. In the quiet space, the words become mine -- God’s words are made personal to me. As I write them out, I imagine they are God’s whispers for my heart alone.
Invite God to Surprise You in the Quiet.
When I take the time to meditate on the scripture, God surprises me. Even scripture that I have read over and over becomes new when I write it out for myself. I love that we serve a personal God who allows us to discover new things about Him daily. Invite God to reveal fresh insights in His Word.
Allow the Quiet to Transform Your Heart.
In slowing down, I become more of the person I want to be. I’m a better wife, mom, sister, and friend. I hear better. Not just hearing literally, but emotionally. When I slow down enough to hear God’s loving whispers, I can pick up on my husband’s emotions, I’m in tune with a friend’s worry and my neighbor’s need for my encouragement. When I slow down, I can look people in the eye and see how I might pass along some kindness to them.
My encouragement for you this holiday season is to slow down. Listen for the whispers of our amazing Creator. Take one sentence from the Bible and let it bathe you in the wonder and majesty of His love.
In the slowness of the moment, let the gift of Advent surprise you again. He longs to spend those quiet spaces with you every moment of every day. Give yourself the gift of slowing down enough to treasure this season.